Sunday, February 22, 2009

So What Does A SAHM Do All Day?

I was over at Iheartbowheads a few days ago and she had this on her blog.

Its pretty funny and sometimes as a daycare provider I think that this really happens. The article that accompanies it talks about what it is that a SAHM or Stay at Home Mom does all day. I should say moms in general cause even working mothers have to do all this too.

So to all of you who dont have kids and dont understand why those of us with kids dont call or write as often and you'd like read this and catch a glimpse into just what it is that a mom does all day.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Letters From Home

I talked to my MIL today and she mentioned that she got a letter from My Favortie Soldier in the mail and how much she missed him. That got us on the topic of how fast he grew up and sometimes she wishes he was still her little boy, but she so proud of the man he grew up to be. After we got off the phone I started going about my day and while I was cleaning this song popped into my head, it so fits in with my life these days.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Too Tired to Eat ...

This is what I walked in on after laying the other baby I watch down for his nap. I thought it was too funny that she fell asleep all that playing must have worn her out!

Join Angie for more Wordful Wednesday posts.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Writers Workshop - My Favs

The Prompts:

1.) What was the first CD (or record or cassette) you ever purchased? Write about the way that particular album made you feel then. Write about how it makes you feel now.

2.) You were recently laid off. Instead of moping around, you've viewed it as a chance to start fresh. Pick a new career and write about your first day on the job.

3.) List your five most recent favorite things. I chose this prompt.

4.) I'm hungry. Share your very favorite recipe!!

My current favorite things are ...

1. This is the best phone in the world ... I was so sad when I broke my other iPhone I serioulsy cried a little when I saw the cracked screen. It was nothing short of a tragedy.

2. My favoritest game for the Wii

3. The best TV show of all time.

4. Joe Flanigan MMMMMMMMMMMMMM just about sums it up.


Head on over to mamakats for more posts.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Better Late Than Never .... Right?

I know I am very late in adding these awards but things have been crazy lately but better late than never right?

avtcoach honored me with three awards at one time. This was very thoughtful and these three were awards I have not seen before.

The rules for these awards are:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award

Ellyn over at A Little Piece of Heaven gave me this little beauty. Thanks so much, I am honored. I must offer 10 juicy facts about myself in order to accept and display it.
Then at the end I will pass it on to some others with the same condition.

1. I am seriously addicted to my Wii ... Guitar Hero and Rock Band in paticular.

2. My youtube addiction hasnt gotten any better.

3. I have a serious need to keep up with the Jones case in point when my friends hubbies came home on R&R they made beds for their kids, when mine came home I HAD to have him make new beds for the girls too.

4. I have nothing to watch on Friday Nights since Stargate Atlantis went off the air.

5. Did I mention I am a sci-fi geek thanks to my hubby.

6. I catch up on all my lost sleep over the weekend if you call before noon good chance I'm still in bed and ignoring your phone call.

7. I wanted to work for the CIA when I was younger but life had other plans for me instead.

8. I have been married to MFS for 12 years and I am more in love with him today than the day we got married.

9. Not only do I like my MIL but I am going to let her move in with us.

10. I love being an Army wife and in the strange and totally unlikely event that I found myself looking for a new husband and Joe Flanigan (my hollywood crush) was unavailable I would marry another soldier.

And finally my good friend Amber Honored me with this award. She is awesome and I am so glad I have her as my friend and Army sister, this deployment would be ALOT harder if she wasnt around. Thanks for being you.

Now I am supposed to give these awards away so since I was late in getting these awards out and had to lump them all together I am going to list 10 people here and let you have all the awards ... see I am also the generous friend ... lol.

1. Michelle
2. Amber
3. Dana
4. Amy
5. Melissa
6. Sonya
7. Elizabeth
8. Mama Wheaton
9. Tracy
10. Bloom

Monday, February 9, 2009

Look Who Has A New Look!

Tonight the kids and I ran to walmart to pick up a gallon of milk and as we walked in E said I want my haircut, I looked at her and said sure why not. I asked her how she wanted it cut she said just to my shoulders I said no way lets go really short and here are the results.



Look at all that hair on the floor ...

I'm pretty sure My Favorite Soldier is going to have a very strong opinion about this but he's just gonna have to get over it cause I love it! I think she looks too cute ... what do you think?

I'm joining Jay over at Halftimelessons for Tuesday Tribute Remember its NOT all about you! Head over and check out other Tuesday Tributes.

Tuesday's Tribute
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

WW - Welcome Home

So Amber finally sent me the video from when My Favorite Soldier came home and while I know he's been here and gone back already I thought I'd share it with you all anyways.

Join Angie for more Wordful Wednesday Posts.