This morning the alarm started blaring at 645 telling me to wake up which I did long enough to hit the snooze alarm and back to sleep for another 10 blissful minutes when it went off again I got out of bed and made my way down stairs to wake up the boy and tell him to get up, then I walked back up stairs and woke up the girl and told her to get out of bed. I started thinking that it might be more productive for me to wake the girl first and send her down to wake the boy up less stair climbing for me. I made a good breakfast for them to start thier day off right cause you know that doctors say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Then on to the important stuff ... what to wear it was a tough choice for the girl she loved all her new clothes and found it tough to choose an outfit but in the end she choose the perfect outfit. Now that everyone was dressed it was time for some pictures before we headed to school.

Elizabeth was extremely happy to have me walk her to her classroom and snap a couple pictures before she walked in to her class ....

Nicholas however told me that he wanted to walk to his class by himself and that I needed to stay in the car. That soo didnt happen by the way but I did limit myself to walking down 3 cars and snapped a shot of him walking away.

Who said they could grow up and become independent?
Congratulations on surviving summer, Mom!
I dread the day that the Toddler is all, "I can't be seen in public with you." *sigh*
Hopefully it was a good day at school! We've got another 2 weeks until school starts here...I can't wait....
Yea! I'm glad they were excited. And it's cool you got pics. I really hope Sean doesn't ever grow up and not want to be seen with me or think it's uncool for me to be around. I'll just keep wishing because I'm sure that I too will be in your shoes.
I knew I should have come to walk Nicholas into class. I would have held his little hand and cried fake I'm gonna miss you tears!
My first day pics wouldnt load to my blog so I'm waiting. They looked good today! See ya this weekend probably!
I don't know how much longer I will be walking the 6 yr old to her class.Of course she is my shy one.Unlike her sister who will jump out of the top of a playhouse that is about 5 feet up in the air.Yep I just found out about that little detail from Indiana today.
The kids look good in their school gear!Still wish the boy had his curls though!
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