Who is SITS well it stands for The Secret is in the Sauce. They are a group of bloggers dedicated to supporting one another by leaving comments.
When other bloggers see this
They also have a featured blogger of the day how cool is that if you want your blog to be considered just hope on over and sign up. If you are new to the blogging world or not SITS is a great place to make new friends and read interesting blogs. Come on over and see what its all about.
Im supposed to link to 5 other SISTSa's so here goes
1. Amber
2. Michelle
3. Angie
4. inthegutter
5. quilaotriplets
I loved reading through your blog Brandy! :)
I am going to go check this out right now! Love your blog!
Sits is great-- I was intimidated with coming up with a post as to how it's helped me since I just joined them. Good luck with the prizes!!
Hello :)
Happy blog-a-thon!
amen SITSta! And glad you liked my attempt at Dr. Suess! Good luck with all of the prizes today!
happy blogathon! love your fun blog!
I like the human calendar! It's been awhile since I've seen it.
Oh, btw, the word verification was a little obscene. Maybe you should have a talk with it? It told me, "EZ EZ FU" !
Hey! I'm new to SITs and having a ball with this blog-a-thon!!
Off to check out your blog!!
I just love SITS! It's been so much fun coming thru new blogs today! Thanks for the links to some of your faves. I'll be sure to visit!
My parents were both in the Army! While I was never an Army Brat, I was born on an Army base (Ft Lee, VA). : )
Happy SITS day!
5 more minutes to go and then the SITSathon is over :( Actually it will be a relief to be able to leave my chair, if I remember how to walk!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Happy Sits Day! Although it's almost tomorrow! Hope you had a great blogathon day!
Thanks for stopping by. I loved your blog. I'll be back for visits.
In case I forget to tell you all later, thanks for the sacrifices you and your husband are making for me and my family.
Congrats on your fabulous win SITS-ta!
I am here a day late, but yesterday was waaaaayyyy busy!
Thank you SO much for supporting the SITStahood... and it looks like the blogathon paid off for you!
See you in roll call!
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