So we found out MFS (my favorite soldier) was coming in on Monday and our welcome home ceremony was to take place between 2300 and 000 (for those who aren't familiar with military time that's 1100 & Midnight) I told the kids that daddy was coming home and they were excited but still pretty skeptical cause we had already been told a couple other dates and they had been pushed back for one reason or another. Monday morning rolled around the kids and I got out of bed and headed on post to help put up welcome signs.
After we got our signs up we took the kids to McDonald's for lunch and to kill some time ... I realized later that we took the kids there after the daddies left to distract ourselves that we were going home to an empty house. Eventually we had to leave so we each went our separate ways to get our personal errands done. I came home hung up our welcome home signs in the yard and on our windows did a little bit of cleaning then we headed to Michelle's for dinner. While we were eating dinner we got a call saying our guys had landed in St Louis they were only 3 hours away from us we could hardly contain ourselves. We all lost our appetites the excitement was too much, so we headed up stairs and started getting ready. We got to the gym way too early of course but we weren't the first ones there the place was already crowded with excited families waiting for their soldier to return.
Finally the buses arrived at the gym and one by one they filed in the gym to thunderous clapping and screams of excitement, after the Colonel said a few words on their bravery and sacrifice they were released to us. He finally made his way thru the crowds to us and we welcomed our soldier home with hugs and kisses and hand shakes.

We have been enjoying family time its so nice to have him home again!
Thanks again to all of you for your support and prayers for MFS and his buddies and thank you for counting down the days with me during this deployment.
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That is so great for you all!
Oh my gosh..I can only imagine all the emotions in that gym!!!
That must be an emotionally loaded moment. Lovely captures of the welcome. Happy Wednesday!
Oh, that is wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your family.
So thrilled! So glad he's home with you!
Wow! A wonderful homecoming - congratulations and many thanks to your husband for defending our country!
That is fantastic!!! Thank you so much for his service and enjoy him!!
That is so AWESOME!! I'm glad that he made it back safe and sound. Thank him for his service, I appreciate what he and you have done for our freedoms. God bless your husband!
Yay! Good pictures! Those signs are kick a$$ love them!
Okay, I think this was my favorite ww this week. Very touching. Very heartwarming. :) Welcome home.
Wow, this is amazing! Happy for you.
That is wonderful. Can you imagine being greeted in that style when? I'm envious because my Hubby slips in and out of deployments--alone, no fanfare. Usually we go nuts for him and put up posters, banners and ribbons all over the yard, but this time we had NO warning, and it was ok (thank goodness my house was clean). :-)
Congrats to you again, I'm feeling your joy today.
Oh HOORAY!! So glad he's home!!
I can't imagine how relieved you are to have them home. Hugs to all!
This is late, but what a wonderful reunion!!! I have to say that there is nothing like them coming home again.
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