It's time once again for Mama Kats writing assignment ... this week I choose prompt #3.
I Remember When ...
Kindergarten was fun and used as a way to get kids ready for "real" school instead of todays kindergarten that puts too much pressure on 5 year olds.
I had to work to get something instead of expecting someone to get it for me.
There were winners and loser in sports. (As a mom I always want my kids to be winners but I think it's important for them to lose every once in a while to understand how it feels.)
I could play outside unsupervised all day with only minimal check in times and my parents didnt have to worry (as much) about us not coming home.
I stood in line for 8 hours for NKOTB concert tickets! (STOP LAUGHING its not my fault I loved a certain Fab Five boyband!) Just a note here my mom stood in line with me and at the time I thought it was awful but thinking back on it now how awesome she was to wait in a line that long where there tons of giggling girls just to make me the HAPPIEST teenager in the world. Thanks Mom!
I went to that concert at 15 sitting way back in the nosebleed section thinking that life couldnt get any better than this.
Life did get better than that!
I went to my second concert at 16 and having front row seats! (Different band this time.)
I got my drivers license and how free I felt.
I got my first car that I worked hard to buy on my own!
Gas was .69 a gallon in '97 instead of $3.85 (Although gas has dropped down to $1.85 here WOOHOO!)
I remember alot of other things but I could be writing forever and who wants to read that ... so I'll leave it at this.
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