I Remember When ...
Kindergarten was fun and used as a way to get kids ready for "real" school instead of todays kindergarten that puts too much pressure on 5 year olds.
I had to work to get something instead of expecting someone to get it for me.
There were winners and loser in sports. (As a mom I always want my kids to be winners but I think it's important for them to lose every once in a while to understand how it feels.)
I could play outside unsupervised all day with only minimal check in times and my parents didnt have to worry (as much) about us not coming home.
I stood in line for 8 hours for NKOTB concert tickets! (STOP LAUGHING its not my fault I loved a certain Fab Five boyband!) Just a note here my mom stood in line with me and at the time I thought it was awful but thinking back on it now how awesome she was to wait in a line that long where there tons of giggling girls just to make me the HAPPIEST teenager in the world. Thanks Mom!
I went to that concert at 15 sitting way back in the nosebleed section thinking that life couldnt get any better than this.
Life did get better than that!
I went to my second concert at 16 and having front row seats! (Different band this time.)
I got my drivers license and how free I felt.
I got my first car that I worked hard to buy on my own!
Gas was .69 a gallon in '97 instead of $3.85 (Although gas has dropped down to $1.85 here WOOHOO!)
I remember alot of other things but I could be writing forever and who wants to read that ... so I'll leave it at this.
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Great list!!
Love your list.
fabulous list! I especially liked your point about kindergarten. WHY must they have homework EVERY. SINGLE. DAY????
NKOTB! LOL! No way! Pssst, don't tell anyone I had one of their tapes... I was a closet listener. Great list... brought back many of my own fond memories.
Good list. Just remember that today is tomorrow's 'good ol' days'.
I am seeing all this in my grandson's life..and I am keeping my fingers crossed!
I love NKOTB too! Infact, my best friend from elementary school went to their reunion concert and last Sat. sent me a text pic of Donnie. I about laughed my head off. Good times!
The kindergarten thing kills me! Why can't kids just be kids, even just for a little while??
i am loving the one about kids learning about losing. i think that is important also! i know kids (who are now adults) who have never lost a thing in their lives and when they do they blame someone else BIG TIME. It is sooooo ridiculous. I'm going to do my best to teach Tulip that losing does not mean she's a loser...it still means that she tried hard but some one/team just excelled even more. Loved your list!
super list - it's suprising how much starts coming back when you begin to remember all the things that you did!
I feel you on the Kindegarten thing. Why the pressure? They're FIVE.
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