This is an actual picture I took at Arlinton National Cemetary last year when we went home to visit. We were there to say "Hello" to a few friends who now reside on this peaceful property. While we were there I was struck by an amazing thought WHAT IF these brave men and women had never answered America’s call where would we be then? I snapped a few pictures of the plain white head stones that fills Arlington's grounds it was then that I realized that I was standing amoung greatness. I have always known that Freedom is not FREE being married to a soldier but I realized on this day that we owe our men and women in uniform a great deal more than they receive. Whether you agree with the war or not Support Our Troops!
Today is Veterns Day but any day is the right day to thank a Vet!
Another Wordful Wednesday brought to you by:
that is a very moving image! Thank you to your husband (and to you!) for supporting our freedom!
Arlington has an amazing effect on people... truly sacred ground. You are correct, we must pray for those who have fought for our freedoms in the past, present and future!
that is truely a breathtaking place. it is so humbling to stand at Arlington and think of all the people who gave theirs lives for us. they dont even know us! I went as a senior in high school, and all of us, even the guys, were moved to tears.
i agree...that cemetary is an amazing place of strength and gratitude for me. and, for being the spouse of a vet...i say thank you to you!
I love that you said you were "standing amoung greatness". What a moving image.
That is a great picture. I am not a military wife, but I did marry a Navy man who did 6 years in the Silent Service (submarine) before we dated. He thanks you for posting, too. :)
It makes me emotional just to look at this picture. I can't imagine actually being there. Thank you for sharing your moving and beautiful picture.
I've been to Arlington many times (I used to live in that area) - it is an amazing place and experience to go there.
Have a good day - Kellan
What a perfect picture for this weeks installment. I'm so thankful for our Veteran's too!
What a great sentiment. We're all touched by veterans, everyday. Sometimes, I think we forget how important they are, and have been.
If you get a chance, come by my site give me the chance to express my gratitude as well.
That is a fantastic and moving picture. So big and graceful. (found on via SITS!)
VERY BEAUTIFUL post!! And it's oh.so.true..
You know, every so often I check your "days to go" ticker... I'm excited for you!!
Beautifully said.
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