My only friend I keep in touch with from high school is also one of my best friends. I met her at a mutual friends birthday slumber party in 8th grade and no I'm not going to tell you how long ago that was. We were playing Darling if You Love Me and it was my turn and I figured I could make Tamara (sounds like tomorrow with an a sound at the end instead of the o sound)laugh by singing the song The Sun Will Come Out "Tamara" every one else laughed but her darn it all. I moved away in 10th grade but that didn't stop us from writing and calling each other. Thanks to myspace, email, IM and ofcourse my blog its easier than ever to stay in touch and up to date in each others lives. We always find a way to celebrate each others successes and console each other in times of sorrow.
She lives in Nevada now with her husband and 2 children. The last time I saw her was 11 years ago when her son was born. I wish I could have found a way to be with her when her step son was hit by a car and died, we were living in Germany at the time and he died 10 days before Christmas. I couldn't find a reasonable flight to the states and still be back in time to spend Christmas with my family. I regret everyday that I didn't go to the funeral I wish that I could have found a way to make there. When My Favorite Soldier is done playing GI Joe and comes home we are planning a trip to Vegas and lucky for me thats where she lives so after all these years we will get to see each other again. Woohoo I cant wait!
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Can one be happy and sad in the same blog...yes, they can..I hear your joy and I hear your regret.
Awwww...this is heartfelt post...and most sincere.
I hope one day the feeling of remorse will depart and you can be near your friend, and revel in those times!
Very sincere indeed.
I can so relate
Visiting from MamaKat's writing workshop links. Lovely post... I'm glad you'll get to see your friend soon...and less than 30 days until you see your hubby! I am happy for you!!!!
I hope your reunion is great. BTW, I love you photo date. What a great idea!
I'm so happy for your upcoming reunion with the hubby! I very much enjoyed your post.
The internet is a great thing, huh? I wouldn't keep in as great of touch with anyone without it. I'm glad that you are going to get to see her again soon!
How wonderful that you've been able to keep in touch all these years. When you do get together again it will be like picking up where you left off. Real, old (not real old!) friends are like that!
Don't beat yourself over not being there for the funeral. She knew you wanted to be and I bet that is what she holds close to her heart.
I love stories like that! How technology allows us to reconnect and stay in touch. How fun!
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