This is my favorite picture of My Favorite Soldier and Megan. He was deployed when she was born and he didnt meet her til she was 10 weeks old. The first time he held her they made an instant connection over the course of 18 days the managed to create an unbreakable bond. We went on vacation to Garmish-Partakirken in Germany and on the way home we had to stop cause the road to the autobahn was closed cause they were logging and we found this little beach area where we spent the afternoon. Daddy tried to teach the kids how to skip rocks which they didnt seem to catch on to. I snapped this picture of daddy and Megan as we were getting ready to leave and its become my favorite of the two of them.
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Such a sweet photo. And a beautiful baby too.
Awww to cute. That is a sweet picture. She is still a cutie too.
Cute! Makes me want a new baby!
This is a wonderful picture of daddy and his peach!
Awwwwwww, this photo melts my heart!!!
Come see my Wordful Wednesday if you can find time!! It's a catghan!
So sweet!
It's now wonder it's your favorite. It's darling of them both! What a beautiful little baby.
Beautiful picture and words! A magical WW to you!
What a sweet picture. Little girls and Daddy'd have such special bonds.
ahhhh daddy's little girl! Thanks for stopping by!!
that is so stinking precious i could cry! aaaawwww
That's a great picture!!
Oh! That is a VERY sweet picture!
Oh that makes me tear up, thinking of having to wait so long to hold his baby. Sniff sniff. Sweet picture.
wow your kids are so cute!! Um yes the d60 is good but the d90 does video and it is better. The d60 is for the novice wanting to learn more. The d90 is for the novice up to the experienced amateur. So good luck on camera choices. The d60 is at coscto but shop around because there are good deals right now everywhere. Thanks for being an ARMY wife...that's a hard gig and we have you to thank as much as the men out there you are supporting because you are the one holding down the fort. and keeping it together.
Thanks for your comment
ps your niece is precious. she reminds me of my babies were all little and looked similar to that.
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