Doesnt it look WAY more fun?
Instead of changing diapers and mixing formula I got to play with my new camera! My belated Christmas present from my hubby (even if i had to tell him which one I wanted and order it myself) was a Nikon D60 IT'S LOVE I tell ya!
All the pictures above and below were taken with it. I'd rather take pictures of the kids doing this ....
over changing diapers anyday! Who wouldn't?
I would too. We've been taking a pretty much nonstop snow day since we got here only I haven't taken ANY pictures! Imagine that!
Man I am so jealous of you guys and your snow day! I will be posting pictures of the "ice storm" we got. What a freaking joke!
Sliding down a hill in the snow and cold versus changing a diaper. Hmm. Not really much of a choice now, is there? :)
Looks like lots of fun!!
That was lots of fun! We still haven't gotten our snowman done. I am to busy UGH!
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