We've been counting down the days since he left and slowly the days went by til FINALLY he was in my arms again! We got up Saturday morning and drove to Springfield early hoping he would be able to catch an earlier flight than his 3PM flight. He called me as we were leaving and said he got a flight leaving at 1030 and would land at 1200 good call on my part to be up and ready early, he called again and said that the weather in Atlanta was crappy and his plane was delayed a half an hour so we had to kill another half an hour but we did it in fact we over killed our time and were worried that we wouldnt make it in time. We got there and found no line at the check in counter so we got our passes to go back to the gate and wait for his plane to land.
I have the BEST FRIENDS in the world they all came with us to welcome home My Favorite Soldier THANKS GIRLS YOU ROCK!
It seemed like it took forever for his plane to get here but finally we saw it land and after what seemed like the entire plane emptied I saw him!
The kids were too excited to wait for him to get to reach us and met him at the door.

Then it was my turn he was in my arms and all was right with my world once again.

There was a little old lady who took pictures of us waiting for our soldier and thanked him and me for our service it was really sweet. After every one had thier chance to welcome My Favorite Soldier home we started to leave and thats when this old lady came up to me and hugged me and said " I was a WWII Bride my husband was a POW but he came home and we had 57 years together I hope you and your soldier have atleast that many years together" Then she hugged me again and said "were sisters you and I" and then she left I was in tears it was probably the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me.
I am sneaking this post in while daddy is reading the kids a story and getting them ready for bed .... how sweet it is to get a break from that. I dont know how often I will get a chance to post, but I wanted to you all know he is here safe and give you a little sneak peak of the pictures. I will share the rest soon!
Join Angie for more Wordful Wednesday posts.
I am so happy it is your turn to spend time with your soldier! I got so teary when finally you were together. Enjoy every second!
That story and your pictures brought a tear to my eye. Enjoy your man!
Oh, the picture of the two of you brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful that he's home.....in your arms. What a wonderful start to the new year!
okay my words are looking a little blury right now. I'm am so happy he is safe in your arms! Enjoy every moment!
I felt like I was there with you. I can't stop the tears from flowing. I am so happy for you, your kids and your husband. Enjoy!
I can't imagine how happy you were to have him home but I can imagine your first sight. My cousin who is only two months younger than me and I will never forget the day he came home from his second tour in Iraq. The second you see them it is like you are holding your breath and letting out a sigh of relief all in that one second. You KNOW now that he is safe and their is nothing better than that after months of wondering! Have fun!
Congratulations!!! I hope you enjoy every moment!!!
What an awesome post. Loved the story, it definitely brought a tear to my eye too. So happy he's home with you.
so happy to hear he is home - and that little old lady brought tears to my eyes as well!
I'm so happy for you! This post made me cry. I love the comments from the old lady - how sweet that she sees you as sisters.
Please thank your dear soldier for me.
Well, you brought tears to my eyes! I love reunions. And I'd like to thank you and your husband too; my family and I are very, very thankful.
That story and your pictures are beautiful. May you truly get to enjoy at least that many years with your husband. Thank you both for your dedication to this country.
Awwwwwwwww, I have goosebumps!!!!
Enjoy the time together. Wow. :::tears of happiness for you and your sweety!::::
We thank you and your family for your unselfish service to our country.
I feel a scrapbook moment coming on. Happy WW!
This one should be called Tearful Wednesday. Enjoy your time with him!
Oh my goodness Brandy, I could not hold back my emotion on this wonderful post. I am so happy for you that he is home and what a nice little memory of the connection that woman made to you. I hope the transition is full of ease and you get back to a routine soon with lots of smiles and hugs!Thanks for sharing your story today!
Awesome post :)
Wow...I got teary-eyed reading that. Congrats on having your hubby home safe & sound. What a blessing!
I'm an army brat. My dad served in Desert Storm and I remember the excitement & anticipation the day he came home.
Awwww, honey... I am SO excitd for you... I got tears in my eyes reading this post!!! I hope you all have a wonderful 18 days!!
YAY he's home!!! What a sweet post!
How wonderful! I can only imagine how happy you all must be, and what a sweet story about that old lady. I got teary just reading it.
Enjoy your time with your soldier!
I am crying!! How wonderful. I am so happy for your family. YAY!
What a sweet lady to say those things to you.
I bet this was the best feeling in the world. I know how I use to feel when my dad would come back home. I was excited, happy, and sad all at the same time. The emotions were overwhelming.
I am SO glad he is home for a short break! Enjoy your good nights of sleep and days full of love!
Enjoy every second of it! I am so happy for you!
Tears welling here. I give so much credit and admiration to our military families. You are amazing.
These are some awesome shots. Enjoy your 18 days :)
I am thoroughly thrilled for you. Enjoy your time together!
I'm glad it's your turn! We all got teary seeing you and Harry hug for the first time in so many months. You know we love you guys and want you to have time together but the boys and are soooo coming over to play Wii very very soon!
I'm not sure how I made it to your blog but I am so glad I did! Great story and I am so happy for you. I got all choked up!
YAY YAY YAY! I am so happy for you all. Is the blonde in the pic your MIL?
You prolly won't get this comment until he leaves again, but YAY! I'm crying crying crying over here!
Oh my word, I just cried! So sweet! I'm so glad he's home even if it's just for a short break. Please enjoy your time together! T
I have no clue why that "T" is at the end of my last comment. It's probably the blurry eyes. :)
There is something for you at my place...when you get some time!
I am very happy for you two. Tell him from an Old Soldier, that I said welcome home and well done.
So glad your soldier made it home..of course I am in tears and remember so well those reunions at the airport-they are so full of emotion and excitement. You two are so obviously in love! Enjoy your time together-nothing else really matters!
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