ESRB Rating E for everyone game description Comic Mischief ... SO TRUE!
So for Christmas we bought a Wii!(and by we I mean ME, since hubby was conveniently deployed during Christmas time and didn't have to help shop .... boy the things some men will do to get out of shopping! LOL) A few weeks ago
Michelle said "Hey go get Mario Kart cause we can play online." So like any
idiot good friend would do I ran out and bought Mario Kart, its such a fun game where you can torpedo your friends with turtle shells and run them off the road all in the name of FUN! Well us moms thought it would be a good idea to let the kids play their friends online too well somewhere along the lines my 4 y/o became an addict. Its not pretty to hear her scream and yell and cry when I say "No you cant play Mario Kart." I know I'm horribly mean and should let my kids rot their brains out by playing video games 24/7 but I just cant do it I'm just not that cool. I thought I'd heard all her pleas to get me to give in and let her play Mario Kart until today! She came upstairs crying cause she hit her not so funny bone on her purple thing (which I am assuming her bed but you know what they about people who assume things so I am letting it go)as I was snuggling with her she said "can I play Mario Kart?" I said "maybe later" she said "BUT mom it will make my bone feel SO much better!" How could I say no to that? I gave in and let her play Mario Kart.
My reward for being an awesome mom ...
Tell the truth! Yes, I said buy the game. Maybe it was me who suggested we let the kids play their friends online every now and then (although we play it most nights of the week against one another like good mom's do). BUT the reason little magen is addicted to the game is because YOU let her play it the day she was sick. She played it for 4 or 5 hours right Brandy? And ever since then she's been addicted.
May I add, addicted to the point that I observed her look lovingly into your eyes and say "Mommy you can just call me Daisy"!
Don't worry about it. It teaches them a lot. My daughter played Mario all the time, and I mean all the time, and she is now about to graduate high school, and is also about to be earn her Gold Award in Girl Scouts. I am 62 and still play Mario a lot.
You bad mom! Denying that beautiful child joy in her life! Hmph. ;o)
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