After reading and instantly falling in love with the Twilight series just a few short weeks ago I was excited to see the movie. So when the movie came out this weekend I went out and bought it.
At first I have to say that I thought they cast the wrong guy to play Edward, BUT as the movie went on I actually found that I liked him, he played the tortured soul that is Edward very well! There were a few parts of the movie that I loved like the scene with them playing baseball (it was one of my favorite parts in the book too) I love it when characters just get to have fun even if its just for a little while, makes them more real in my opinion. Even though it wasnt in the book I really like the scene where the bad vampire tells the other one "Lets not play with our food" for some reason even though thier food was a human I laughed does that make me sick? I have to say Edward in the sunlight was just about spot on to what I imagined he looked like they did an execellent job with that!
In my opinion the movie doesnt do the book justice at all! Well truthfully I have yet to see a movie based on a book that does. It touched on the important parts of the book but alot of things were off from the book, if you are one of those people who want the book and movie to match up perfectly you will be disappointed. I thought the movie was good and I am sure that I will watch the movie again and probably again and again ... lol.
Oh, I just LOVE the movie....and LOVE Edward!!! Although, I must say, I am somewhat intrigued by Jasper, too... hmmmm, what does that mean??
I LOVE these books.. I could read them again and again and again. I wasn't happy with the movie the first time I watched it in theaters becauase of how much it differed from the book-- however, I have to understand that it was a low-budget film so special effects were limited. Hopefully the next one will be better! I do like the movie now though :)
You know no movie ever does the book justice. My daughter loved it.
I loved ths books, but I have yet to see the movie. I want to see the movie, but I'm putting it off because I'm afraid I'll be disappointed.
That's exactly how I feel about the movie. It's good, but it's NOT the book. And I was so sad about Robert Pattison playing Edward, but when the movie was over, I was in love with him. I think he did great.
lol.. yes, you joined the dark side :)
I totally agree with your review. The Books are always better but I have to say I've seen the movie be totally off and this one actually stuck to the book pretty well. There wasn't anything that made me yell at the TV "That never happened!!" and nothing fundamental was changed. For example I loved the movie Queen of the damned don't get me wrong but the first 5 minutes I was pissed. You can't change who made Lastat. Twilight A Awesome Book and a great movie.
Me and My mommy(melissa) LOVE the twilight books and movies, But i do agree with the wrong edward
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