Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WW - Christmas Aftermath

This was the scene after all the presents were unwrapped. What took me 6 weeks of shopping, 4 days of wrapping, and hours of frustration and putting things together wrong the first time was over in less than an hour and this was the aftermath.

For smiles like these it was all worth it!

Next week we get to do this all again only on a MUCH smaller scale when daddy comes home and we do a small Christmas with him. Woohoo cant wait only a few more days til he's here in my arms!!!

Join Angie for more Wordful Wednesday Posts.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

WW - Bring Him Home

Airman Mom had this on her blog over the weekend and it really hits home to me, my family and friends this holiday season. Please remember to say a prayer for our soldiers far from home and thier families back at home who are missing thier soldier this holiday season. God Bless Our Troops!

Head over to Seven Clown Circus for more Wordful Wednesday Posts.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Which is better?

A few weeks ago I posted this video I loved it I thought it was funny as heck! Yesterday while driving (as a passenger) I told Damama I would post the follow up video its not the whole song and I'll be the first to say THANK GOODNESS! So you tell me which is video is better, who's the better dancer? ENJOY!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Today is my moms Birthday and being the good daughter that I am I wanted to get a very special group of men to sing Happy Birthday to her but there doesnt seem to be a youtube video of The Monkees singing Happy Birthday (she told me she lurved her some Davy Jones) so I am giving her a little blast from the past for her birthday this year. I hope you enjoy it mom!

Now no birthday would be complete with out someone singing you Happy Birthday and since she did tell me that she loved The Beatles when The Monkees werent in town I figured it would be ok to let them sing to her so here are The Beatles singing Happy Birthday.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Our list this year is very short and very important to us. Santa the only thing that my kids and I want for Christmas this year is for our Favorite Soldier home safe and sound.

Only 15 more days til we get to see him again!

Head on over to for more posts.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

WW - My Hidden Child

Meet Aubrey she isn't really my child but she may as well be shes one of my day care kids Ive had her since she was four weeks old. When started she was this tiny little thing that all I ever wanted to do was hug and kiss all over she was so cute. Over the course of 14 months she has managed to wiggle herself into my heart and has become one of my kids. I have tons and tons of pictures of her in my folders and today I thought I would let her out of the closet.

For more Wordful Wednesday post head over to Seven Clown Circus.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

PSF - My Cuties

Just a few pictures I took to send out to daddy and family in our Christmas cards this year.

Im participating in
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

WW - Daddy & Megan

This is my favorite picture of My Favorite Soldier and Megan. He was deployed when she was born and he didnt meet her til she was 10 weeks old. The first time he held her they made an instant connection over the course of 18 days the managed to create an unbreakable bond. We went on vacation to Garmish-Partakirken in Germany and on the way home we had to stop cause the road to the autobahn was closed cause they were logging and we found this little beach area where we spent the afternoon. Daddy tried to teach the kids how to skip rocks which they didnt seem to catch on to. I snapped this picture of daddy and Megan as we were getting ready to leave and its become my favorite of the two of them.

Head over to Seven Clowns Circus for more Wordful Wednesday Posts

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Beyonce / Guy Dance

I found this on MrsBliss and I thought it was hillarious and I thought I'd share it with you.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Writing Assignment

Its time again for mamakats writing assignment this week I chose prompt #2 Are you still friends with your high school friends? Describe them.

My only friend I keep in touch with from high school is also one of my best friends. I met her at a mutual friends birthday slumber party in 8th grade and no I'm not going to tell you how long ago that was. We were playing Darling if You Love Me and it was my turn and I figured I could make Tamara (sounds like tomorrow with an a sound at the end instead of the o sound)laugh by singing the song The Sun Will Come Out "Tamara" every one else laughed but her darn it all. I moved away in 10th grade but that didn't stop us from writing and calling each other. Thanks to myspace, email, IM and ofcourse my blog its easier than ever to stay in touch and up to date in each others lives. We always find a way to celebrate each others successes and console each other in times of sorrow.
She lives in Nevada now with her husband and 2 children. The last time I saw her was 11 years ago when her son was born. I wish I could have found a way to be with her when her step son was hit by a car and died, we were living in Germany at the time and he died 10 days before Christmas. I couldn't find a reasonable flight to the states and still be back in time to spend Christmas with my family. I regret everyday that I didn't go to the funeral I wish that I could have found a way to make there. When My Favorite Soldier is done playing GI Joe and comes home we are planning a trip to Vegas and lucky for me thats where she lives so after all these years we will get to see each other again. Woohoo I cant wait!

To read more posts head over to

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

WW - Meet Delilah

I'M AN AUNTIE AGAIN! I would like to introduce you to my newest niece Delilah Brittain Wagner born on Thanksgiving weighing in at 6 pounds 6 ounces 20 inches long. I think she is just the cutest little thing ever! Welcome to the world Delilah I cant wait to meet you!

Isn't she sweet?

For more Wordful Wednesday post head on over to seven clown circus.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

WW - Watching You Walk Away

This is the last time the kids and I saw My Favorite Soldier as we watched him walk away to the buses that would take him away from us for 15 long months. We are almost half way thru our deployment woohoo. We are anxiously waiting for January to get here because that's when My Favorite Soldier will be coming home for R&R. We will get 18 wonderfully short days with him!!

I choose this picture this week because Michelle's hubby is currently home on R&R and is leaving to go back to the sandbox very soon. Its a rough time for them and I thought I'd share the post that she wrote when our soldiers left all those many months ago, its a very accurate description of what we go thru.

For more Wordful Wednesday's Post head over to


Today is Michelle's birthday so please head on over to her blog and wish her a Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Michelle!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

PSF - Bamberg Field Trip

When we were in Germany my daughter had a field trip and these were some of the pictures I took on the boat of the surrounding houses and buildings along the river.

Im participating in
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Writing Assignment - I Remember When ...

It's time once again for Mama Kats writing assignment ... this week I choose prompt #3.

I Remember When ...

Kindergarten was fun and used as a way to get kids ready for "real" school instead of todays kindergarten that puts too much pressure on 5 year olds.

I had to work to get something instead of expecting someone to get it for me.

There were winners and loser in sports. (As a mom I always want my kids to be winners but I think it's important for them to lose every once in a while to understand how it feels.)

I could play outside unsupervised all day with only minimal check in times and my parents didnt have to worry (as much) about us not coming home.

I stood in line for 8 hours for NKOTB concert tickets! (STOP LAUGHING its not my fault I loved a certain Fab Five boyband!) Just a note here my mom stood in line with me and at the time I thought it was awful but thinking back on it now how awesome she was to wait in a line that long where there tons of giggling girls just to make me the HAPPIEST teenager in the world. Thanks Mom!

I went to that concert at 15 sitting way back in the nosebleed section thinking that life couldnt get any better than this.

Life did get better than that!

I went to my second concert at 16 and having front row seats! (Different band this time.)

I got my drivers license and how free I felt.

I got my first car that I worked hard to buy on my own!

Gas was .69 a gallon in '97 instead of $3.85 (Although gas has dropped down to $1.85 here WOOHOO!)

I remember alot of other things but I could be writing forever and who wants to read that ... so I'll leave it at this.

Join Mama kat for more by clicking below.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

WW - Schloss Neuschwanstein

I finally found the box that had my external hard drive in it which had my pictures from our time in Germany be prepared I am sure I will be sharing lots more of my pictures. I will start with one of my favorite vacations we took while we were there. Schloss Neuschwanstein most people know this as the Cinderella Castle this was Walt Disney's inspiration for both The Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disney Land and The Cinderella Castle at Disney World. We werent allowed to take pictures inside so I took tons of pictures of the outside but its such a beautiful place. We had to walk up a steep mountainside to get to the castle we however opted to pay for a horse buggy ride to the top which still took 10 minutes. Once inside we walked up 100 stairs during the tour, there were only 10 rooms of this castle open to the public to view and as big as it is it still isnt finished and only 14 rooms total are decorated.

Wordful Wednesday is brought to you by

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stop and Smell the Roses

I love looking at these pictures of my girls ... with all the craziness that is going on in our lives, they still act like kids picking flowers and not worrying about what tomorrow brings. This is a great reminder to slow down and take time to smell the roses.

I'm participating in
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Freedom is not Free

This is an actual picture I took at Arlinton National Cemetary last year when we went home to visit. We were there to say "Hello" to a few friends who now reside on this peaceful property. While we were there I was struck by an amazing thought WHAT IF these brave men and women had never answered America’s call where would we be then? I snapped a few pictures of the plain white head stones that fills Arlington's grounds it was then that I realized that I was standing amoung greatness. I have always known that Freedom is not FREE being married to a soldier but I realized on this day that we owe our men and women in uniform a great deal more than they receive. Whether you agree with the war or not Support Our Troops!

Today is Veterns Day but any day is the right day to thank a Vet!

Another Wordful Wednesday brought to you by:

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So yesterday Amber and I went to Springfield to replace my beloved iPhone that I broke. I seriously shed more than a few tears when I saw the spider cracked screen, but no worries yesterday I got the new iPhone 3G which I TOTALLY LOVE!

So I got off track I guess I can since this is my blog but anyways while we were at the mall we found a little play area to let the kids burn off a little steam after being cooped up for the hour and half drive and this is what I see while I am there .... SERIOUSLY WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?

How did they get out of the house looking like that? I'm willing to bet large sums of money that they weren't over the age of 12! Ok so the one on the left isn't dressed to bad but I'm not ok with the girl on the right! I'm sure I have lost alot of my coolness since I had my kids, and dare I say it I might be turning into my mother but I just don't think that's ok. Even if someone else thinks its ok I certainly don't want to see it.

Speaking of other things that I don't want to see these rate on the top of my list.



Lets cover this stuff up seriously this is a family establishment! Hey if I have to see you do too thats my rule.

Friday, November 7, 2008

In Honor of Veterns Day

There is so much to be said about the man in the pictures you can type SFC Paul R Smith into Google and you will receive tons of websites with one reference or another to him. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions on April 04,2003 where he saved the lives of his men one of those men was my husband and today seemed an appropriate day to say "Thank You" again and remind everyone that Freedom isn't Free!

You can read what the Medal of Honor website says about him here.

Im participating in
PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Thursday, November 6, 2008


It's time for mamakats writing assignemnt again this week I chose prompt 3 ... You're sitting at work one day and receive a text message from an unrecognized number. The text says, "I have the money and hid the body." You think this is a practical joke from a friend, so you play along at first. But the more texts you receive, the more you realize that it isn't a joke. Write the text conversation you have with this unknown texter.

UKN Texter: I've hid the body and got the money.

Me: AWESOME! How much did you get?

UKN Texter: Meet me at the rendovouz point in an hour.

Me: Which would be where?

UKN Texter: Seriously this is no time to joke.

Me: Whose joking?

UKN Texter: Look be there in an hour or your out your half.

Me: Geesh your so bossy fine I'll be there give me directions.


Me: UMMM Look seriously I think you have the wrong number.

UKN Texter: Really? OH S**T Sorry about that can you erase this message? Have a nice day bye.

For more writing adventures head over to mamakats.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

America Has Chosen

Like him or not he is our new President ... I pray that God grants him the wisdom and strength to lead our country down the right path.

Tonight when I voted I took my kids with me as we stood in line I talked to them about how great it was to be able to choose who we wanted to run our country and how other countries don't have that right. We talked briefly about how this election was unique in the fact that this was the first time we had a black presidential nominee. I told them how important it was to vote, that by not voting we were giving up our voice and letting others speak for us. After standing in line for an hour it was finally my turn to vote and my kids stood by side as they watched me picked my candidate. I hope I showed them how it important it was to vote and that when they are old enough will let their voice be heard and vote for who they want leading our country.

For more Wordful Wednesdays head over to Seven Clown Circus.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

WW - You and Me

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more; that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds .... That's what you've given me and that's what I hope to give to you forever. Happy Anniversary!

For more Wordful Wednesdays head on over to Seven Clown Circus.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

PSF - I Got Your Back

I am a small and precious child, my dads been sent to fight...
The only place I'll see his face, is in my dreams at night.
He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track.
I may be sad, but I am proud. My daddy's got your back.

I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war...
My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before.
Every day I try to keep my thoughts from turning black.
I may be scared, but I am proud. My son has got your back.

I am a strong and loving wife, with a husband who had to go.
There are times I'm terrified in a way most never know.
I bite my lip, and force a smile as I watch my husband pack...
My heart may break, but I am proud. My husband's got your back...

I am a soldier... Serving Proudly, standing tall.
I fight for freedom, yours and mine by answering this call.
I do my job while knowing, the thanks it sometimes lacks.
Say a prayer that I'll come home.

It's me who's got your back.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek