Sunday, April 20, 2008

Seven days and counting down

This is it we are down to final few days before we have to say goodbye to daddy. We sat the kids down this weekend and told them that daddy was leaving. My older children have been thru this before they understand that he is going to be gone for a long time but I dont think they understand why he is going. How do you explain war and oppression to children? How do I explain that the people over there need daddy more than we do? I dont think its possible to explain it in a way they can understand. How can I explain to my 3 year old that daddy is leaving for longer than she can even understand? She doesnt remember that he was gone before she was born and didnt come home til she was 8 months old she is such a daddy's girl that I think watching her say good bye might be the most heartwrenching thing I will ever have to do. These are all things I had to figure out this weekend and I still have to find a way to tell my oldest daughter that daddy is leaving on her birthday how awful is that? She's heard us talking about it and has asked us if daddy is leaving on her birthday and I keep saying no hoping that daddy is acutally leaving after midnight so that he techinally isnt leaving on her birthday, but I guess I will have to face the fact that daddy is leaving on her birthday and I will have to find the courage to tell her. Some days being the mommy stinks.


Burgh Baby said...

Yuck. Just yuck. Everything about the situation is yucky.

My Two Army Brats said...

UGH this sucks, this really really sucks. I'm not ready for all of this. Can we call a time out?

AmersP said...

Girl that so sucks!!!! I am coming to visit next year!!! Josh will be gone we can all be bums together w/ our 80 million children...Hmmm maybe you and Michelle need to drive here this time!!!! LOL You and 6 kids Yep now that would cheer me up. By the time you read this you will be saying goodbye or have already said goodbye. Major hugs to you girl. Saying goodbye is one of the worst things possible and nothing anyone can say makes it any easier. Keep your head up and remember to call gooberbutt (AKA Michelle) for a smile and a hug when you need it!!!!

Damama T said...
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Damama T said...

I know I'm late, but I want you to know how impressed and proud of you I am. I cannot imagine being strong enough to deal with this the way you and so many other families do. Thank you for sharing your fears and tears here. It makes me grateful for my comparatively small problems. I'm sure it will help others, too.

You are in my prayers